Publications: Book / Anthology / Thesis / ReportAnthologyResearch


    Over the last decade Danish schools of design and architecture have
    been embracing design research as a new venue for researchers,
    design educators and designers. The schools have moved slowly from
    the landscape of artisan professional educations towards a position
    within the larger landscape of academia and university research and
    education. Part of this movement has been concerned with adjusting
    and adapting educational programs to the standards required for university
    accreditation, exploring a.o. what it means to offer researchbased
    education in design and architecture. Another part has involved
    a search for the kind of research inquiries that can give designers and
    design researchers a distinct and relevant voice in the larger choir of
    academic research.
    Research at design schools or research conducted by people with a professional
    training in design or architecture is not necessarily different from research
    of for example art history, media studies or anthropology. Nevertheless we
    see new research topics and new research methodologies emerge as designers
    begin to employ their professional gaze within the world of research.
    Research-through-design, practice-based research or design-led research are
    all among the new labels that characterize such research that strives to bring
    design competencies into play in design research. This book comes out of the
    XLAB project - one attempt to get hold of what such design research may be
    and how it can contribute to the production of knowledge.
    The XLAB project sought to capture design research and particularly
    the design experiment not though a theoretical or methodological
    approach, but through a practical exploration of the practice of design
    researchers. Through a series of three one-day workshops, researchers
    and research students where invited to share and discuss the ways
    they each engaged with particular research topics. At the BEGINNINGS
    workshop the emphasis was on how research is initiated, and
    on what role programmatic considerations play in gaining momentum
    4 xlab documenta 5
    in design research. In part one of this book we present our understanding
    of the dialectics of program and design experiment as we
    have seen this evolve in our own work as in the work of the workshop
    participants. At the PER:FORM workshop we staged a kind of metaexperiment,
    where participants were invited to collaboratively design
    a decision making device. This workshop aimed at creating a space for
    experimentation that went beyond words, and engaged work practices
    familiar to the professional designer. In part two of this book
    we provide a glimpse of the meta-experiment through photos and
    transcripts from the event, hopefully inspiring others to expand the
    concept of designerly experimentation. Finally the INTERSECTIONS
    workshop invited participants to rehearse peer readings of doctoral
    dissertations in design research across a broad span of topics and
    methodologies. In part three of this book we give an outline of how
    such peer reading may be productive and stimulating for researchers
    even when they adhere to quit different bodies of academic work. We
    end the book in a conversation with four young design researchers
    who represent the new generation of researchers coming out Schools
    of design and architecture. We ask them how they see the role of
    experimentation and what challenges they today see for the field of
    design research.
    Like the workshops this book does not attempt to give final answers or authoritative
    arguments on how to conduct design research. Instead it represents
    our attempt to contribute to research discourses that make us able to share
    our thoughts and our experimental practice as we move ahead in our different
    research projects. This raises the issue of form beyond conventional templates
    of research dissemination. A grant from the Danish Center for Design Research
    has made it possible for us to have an intense and innovative dialogue with
    Mads Quistgaard and Stefan Thorsteinsson from the Graphic Design Studio,
    Pleks, who have put their excellent skills in graphic design and visual communication
    to the task of making a book that discloses and evokes rather than
    argues and concludes. This should surely not be the only way to communicate
    among design researchers, but we hope that the book brings together form
    and content in ways that adds to the proliferation of formats needed to extend
    and enhance the dialogue among research peers.
    We are grateful to the many colleagues who took part in the XLAB
    workshops and who have engaged us in discussion about experimental
    design research. We are also thankful for the support and patience
    of the Danish Center for Design Research in funding the workshops
    and the production of this book. The responsibility for the result is on
    our shoulders, but we hope that the book adds to the testimony that
    design research today is a vibrant field that is about to find its place in
    the larger landscape of academic research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationDenmark
    PublisherThe Danish Design School Press
    Number of pages180
    ISBN (Print)978-87-92016-24-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Artistic research

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